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Temple Construction Donation Status

Sudama Seva Update: July 2024: Tiles committed till date 1,75,606 out of 2,25,000 tiles required for the temple construction. Contact: 9289784775


Saturday Sunday Love Feast
Saturday Sunday Love Feast

A noble cause celebrated by all Iskcon Temples with great service attitude and devotion. Iskcon invites all for a vibrant and culturally rich experience of feast and lessons of Bhagavad Gita. Chant holy mantras and listen to the teachings of Lord Krishna every week at Saturday Sunday Love Feast.

Lifestyle Management
Lifestyle Management

Our fast-paced lives in this competitive era affect our health and behaviour, giving us nothing but anger and depression problems. Hence, Iskcon has developed a lifestyle management program that teaches self-control, emotional balance, and time management. Aimed at building positive thinking, this program can help you live your life with content. Explore more for the details of the program.

Discover Your Permanent Happiness
Discover your Permanent Happiness

Do you want to be enlightened by the answers to life questions that lead to eternal happiness? If you are fighting stress and grief and need permanent happiness, this is the place to be. Through these seminars, we answer questions that have challenged human intellect for eternity and offer a life-changing experience. To be enlightened by truth and for details, you can read more.

ISKCON youth forum
Iskcon Youth Forum

With multiple goals in mind, the Iskcon Youth Forum was formed. We believe that youngsters can bring massive changes to the world. This forum aims to gain happiness and self-fulfilment through concentration and motivation. Comprising multiple lectures on different skill sets by highly qualified faculty, the youth is invited to learn more through this forum.

Gopal Fun School
Gopal Fun School

In a society where children are exposed to stress, depression and violence, we understand all parent's concerns about their child’s habits and influences. A programme specially designed for urban kids to teach them essential skills and the right attitude with fun training. We aim to spiritually guide your child to face all the difficulties and challenges of life with ease. Learn more about the program to enrol your child for this programme.

Ashraya Groups
Ashraya Groups

The Ashraya Groups Programme is aimed at helping couples in making their relationship happy and healthy. With the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, we help couples reduce marital tensions and counsel them to follow Vedic culture for a stronger married life. If you are someone seeking similar counselling, learn more about the program.

Senior citizen group
Varishtha Vaishnav ( Senior Citizen Group)

Varishtha Vsihnav forum is aimed at providing emotional and spiritual support. Specially created for elders and senior citizens, this forum helps with guidance by following the best devotional and meditational practices. Through this program, we educate senior citizens on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Learn more to become part of it.

Food for Life - Donation
Food for Life

With an aim to combat malnutrition in every corner of India, the Food For Life program is a food distribution program. The volunteers prepare food and donate to orphanages, old age homes, low-income areas, and anyone hungry. Be a part of this noble cause, and learn more to enrol.

ISKCON girls forum
Iskcon Girls Forum

An enjoyable and dynamic spiritual forum for young girls between 15-30 aims to spread Lord Krishna Consciousness among girls. In this forum, girls learn the value of Vedic scriptures, restore the value of our Vedas and teach best practices for a happy and stress-free life. To participate and be a part of this forum, explore more.

Iskcon 50

A program focused on celebrating Iskcon's 50 years of service to Lord Krishna, devotees, and needy people. Initiatives, magazines, restaurants, meals, and celebrations come to be part of this with Iskcon. Learn more about our initiatives and achievements here.

Bhagavatam Class
Bhagavatam Class

ISKCON's main goals are to increase people's awareness of the Supreme Lord Krishna and support them in improving their moral and spiritual lives. ISKCON Dwarka conducts special workshops, seminars, and debates on the Srimad Bhagavatam, the core of all Vedic literature known as Bhagavata Purana, with this objective in mind. Explore more about the classes here and how to join them.

Food Donation
Food Donation

Iskcon believes donations to be the easiest way to serve Lord Krishna, and what better than to serve food to hungry and needy people? Through Iskcon, you can extend a helping hand and earn Good Karma through the satisfying and fulfilling deed of feeding the hungry. With the country's most successful food distribution program, you can serve Lord Krishna. Learn more about the program here so you can join this noble cause.