Krishna once said that good deeds made, gifted, frugal, and done without faith are shown as no or “assat”.
Krishna once said that good deeds made, gifted, frugal, and done without faith are shown as no or “assat”.
One time payment
We were receiving requests for auto deduction enablement from our followers so ISKCON Dwarka partnered with ICICI to provide a safe contribution opportunity to all devotees of Shri Krishan.
When you register for an e-NACH mandate with ICICI, you’re essentially giving permission to a ISKCON Dwarka to automatically deduct payments from your ICICI account at specific intervals, eliminating the need for manual payments each time. You can set up a minimum contribution of Rs 1000 using this.
All you need to do is to fill up your information,enter start and end date,choose frequency and enter any amount greater than Rs 999.
Join hands with us in spreading peace and positivity. Record your video chanting Maha Mantra Jaap and share it with us.
ISKCON is a non-profit organization that works for social welfare. It is located in the heart of a cosmopolitan city. This center is determinedly trying to build up society’s spiritual and ethical fabric with the help of different cultural and spiritual educational programs.