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Why Hinduism is Best Religion?

Hinduism is Best Religion

Why Hinduism is Best Religion Than all Other Religions

Religion is like a bridge that connects a man with the divinity. Religion means looking for the vital truth of the existence of a human being. Saints and sages have been defining the religion to find out the answer to the question, “Who am I” since ancient times.

To answer this question, you may come across several concepts, but you need to think beyond the general understanding for answering this question. To come to the end result, you need to read various lessons of Hindu religion as they can answer easily to your question. This is the reason why Hinduism is best religion than all other religions.

About Hinduism Religion

It has been found that there was nothing like religion in the history of human civilization, but as soon as the human beings start becoming civilized, they start thinking of being unified. Human beings started exchanging their opinions related to divinity on the natural occurrences and formed their own god and goddesses. Then, human beings started getting dispersed to the different corners of the world and started marking their own religions with their own beliefs. Therefore, religion is nothing but one’s belief that made Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and much more.

Why Hinduism is Best Religion


Reasons Why Hinduism is Best Religion:

The religion of peace and science:

Hinduism religion has a scientific background and one of the most logical religion in the world. Mathematics was invented after the invention of zero which was invented by a famous mathematician named as Aryabhatta. You may also get to read about the principle of electricity clearly in Vedas. This is the reason why Hinduism is best religion as compared to all other religions.

No Anti-Semitism:

Hinduism is only religion in the world that has always treated Jewish people in a respectful way. Once upon a time when the synagogues of Jewish people were burnt down in Europe and they were expelled out from one nation to other nation, only Hindus welcomed them. No Jewish is allowed to acquire any type of position in the United States or Europe’s military. India is the only country where being Jewish was never an obstruction.

Unity in Diversity:

Hinduism believes in unity in diversity. It might seem strange but it is a true fact that the religion Hinduism never feels bad to welcome agnostics and atheists to practicing their own belief.

The religion Hinduism is basically built upon three main pillars that are temples, philosophy, and preceptors. One of the great thing about Hinduism is that Hindu temples are now not only restricted to India, but now they are being spread across the world. The strong principles of this religion have now its followers outside India as well. The Hindu temples are built so splendidly that everytime you visit there, you feel so relaxed and it puts a delicate impact on your life. You can search for happiness if you follow the principles of Hindu religion.

Iskcon is one of the famous international society that awakens you with the teachings of Lord Krishna who is the most worshiped and popular god in Hinduism religion. The society keeps on organizing the art of living seminars that help an individual to search for happiness and to stay calmful in all situations of life. If you will get connected with this society, you will come to know why Hinduism is best religion as compared to any other religion.

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