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Sudama Seva Update: July 2024: Tiles committed till date 1,75,606 out of 2,25,000 tiles required for the temple construction. Contact: 9289784775

Srila Lokanath Goswami – Disappearance Day


Birth Of Srila Lokanath Goswami

Sri Lokanath Goswami was born in 1483 AD. He was a resident of a village named Talakhadi in the district of Yashodhara in Bengal. Previously he lived in Kanchrapara.

His Father Name – Padmanabha

His Mother Name – Srimati Sita Devi

His Younger Brother Name – Pragalbha.

LokanathGoswami came from a scholarly family and began to study Srimad Bhagavatam from Advaita Acharya at the age of 14. After completing his studies, Lokanath returned home and started school. LokanathGoswami was a childhood friend of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Mahaprabhu’s Instructions

Sri Lokanath Goswami was a personal associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and a great devotee of the Lord. Following the Instruction given by Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Lokanath Goswami went to Vrindavan to live. He instructed LokanathGoswami to go to Vrindavan and rediscover the Lost Holy Places of Shri Krishna’s Lila. He followed that instruction with all his heart. The work was challenging because the scriptures only give a general idea of where these Holy Places are, and the Forest was thick and full of dangerous animals. But by the mercy of Srimati Radharani, he was very successful in his efforts. The Braj Bhakti Vilas stated that Lokanath Goswami Discovered 333 of the Lost Holy Places in Vrindavan. Later, SrilaRupaGoswami, SrilaSanatanaGoswami, Sri Gopal Batt Goswami, and others came and continued the sewa. Sri Loknath Goswami renounced the world and came to nabadwip to surrender himself at Mahaprabhu’s feet, but Mahaprabhu already decided to take Sannyas.

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His Beloved Deities

During his exploration, LokanathGoswami found the deity of Shri RadhaVinod in KishoriKund at Chhatravan. He served him all his life. The original deity of Radha Vinod deity in Jaipur, while his Pratibhuvigraha is worshipped at Shri Radha – Gokulananda temple in Vrindavan. When he desired to worship the Sri Vigraha form of the Lord, the deities of Shri RadhaVinod manifested to accept his service and have gotten the opportunity to serve them. He felt immense joy in his heart.  Being completely renounced, he refused the offer of villagers to make a hut for him. Instead, he roamed around the twelve forests of Vraja, residing under various trees and carrying his deities with him in a cloth bag around his neck. In this way, he stayed in Sri Vrindavan Dham, fully absorbed in the remembrance of Radhe Shyam.

Narottam Das Initiation

Sri Lokanath Goswami had taken a vow not to initiate anyone. He also would not accept sewa from anyone. But Narottam was determined that only LokanathGoswami would be his Guru. And so he found every opportunity to serve him in secret. After a year, Lokanath began to wonder who was serving him, and the next day, he saw that it was Narottam. Seeing Marotta’s Humility, Lokanath was moved and finally agreed to give Narottam Initiation. By his blessings, Narottam Das became one of the Great Leaders of the Gaudiya Sampradaya. 

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Pranam Mantra Of Loknath Goswami

Narottam Das Thakur has written a pranam mantra for LokanathGoswami – srimad-radha-vinoda kaseva-sampat-samanvitam

padmanabh atmajamshrimallokanathaprabhumbhaje

“I worship the lotus feet of Srila Lokanatha Prabhu, the son of Shri Padmanabha. He is the storehouse of single-minded service to the Lotus Feet of Shri ShriRadhavinoda ”.


Sri Lokanath Goswami Samadhi is located in Shri Radha Gokulananda Mandir in Vrindavan. As Lokanath was preparing to leave this world, he gave Narottam his wooden sandals and bade him farewell. He entered the Nitya Lila on ShravanAshtami between the years 1583 and 1588 AD.

Sri Lokanath Goswami Ji Ki Jai.

Sri Rukmini Dwarkadhish Ki Jai.

ShobhaRadhika Devi Dasi

(ISKCON Dwarka New-Delhi)

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