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Radhastami – Auspicious Occasion On Appearance Of Srimati Radharani

We all have heard Stories and pastimes of Radharani. We know much she loved Lord Krishna and how she dedicated her whole life to him. This blog will talk about Sri Radharani in detail. Keep reading. 

Who is Srimati Radharani?

Sri Radha (or Radha as most people affectionately call her Radha) has a unique position: she is the controller of Krishna (no one can control the supreme controller) because she is pure love and devotion, service, and is surrender to him. 

There are many Stories on Radharani that describe how beautiful and loving she was. She was known for her power of love and sacrifice. 

Even the most accomplished saints usually find it challenging to approach Lord Krishna directly. As the Bhagavad Gita proves in section 7.3, Lord Krishna said among thousands of people. She can recommend that the most depraved soul be set free from under his compassionate feet. 

Fortunately for us, Srimati Radharani makes this very easy, for her infinite compassion for the worst sinners helps to ease this path. Hence it is sometimes said that Rodroni is more merciful than the Lord himself. 

When Krishna appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in that Kali era, Lord Krishna’s everlasting desire to understand Rada’s love for him was fulfilled. He is Krishna. That person, but in the mood of Radha Rani. 

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has always served Lord Krishna with the spirit of service of Radha, thus embodying his love for divinity. He also preached the most critical saying.

What Are The Qualities of Radharani?

These are some of the essential Qualities of Radharani ISKCON

  1. Radha is a teenager and always just young. 
  2. Radharani is a lovely and fascinating aspect. 
  3. Radha’s face is smiling and always happy. 
  4. Radharani is the most exceptional singer and player. 
  5. The words of Radha are fascinating and pleasant.  
  6. Radha is exceptionally humble. 
  7. Radha is the incarnation of mercy and compassion. 
  8. Radha owns Mahabhava, the highest feeling of love. 
  9. Radha always keeps Krishna under control. Subsequently, Krishna Obeys Radha’s Command 
  10. These divine and spiritual love problems between Radha and Krishna will always remain a mystery every time we remain on the material platform. Needs and interests in the other have priorities over one’s needs. 
  11. The kind of love that approaches more spiritual love is the love exhibited by a mother towards her son. It is full of sacrifice and is entirely disinterested; It is without expectations. 
  12. The feeling of love derives from the service itself. The child is limited in his ability to reciprocate his mother’s love. Even if you increase your requests, the mother continues to give. It is the kind of love that our hearts want. 
  13. The Bhakti route or devotional service prepares the heart and conscience, eradicating selfishness and incorporating disinterest, to understand and experience divine love between Radha and Krishna.

Is Sri Radha the counterpart of Sri Krishna?

Radha, also known as Radhika, is the consort of the Hindu goddess and Krishna. She is considered the incarnation of Lakshmi and is also known as the leader of the gopés (milkmaids). 

When Krishna was young, she appeared as his lover and partner, even though he did not marry her. In contrast, some traditions and scriptures give Radha the status of Krishna’s eternal wife and wife. 

Krishna’s Krishna lives in Goroka, the heavenly palace of Radha Krishna. As the highest goddess, Radha is considered the female counterpart and inner power (hladini shakti). It is said that Krishna, in all of his incarnations, accompanies Radha. 

RadhaVallabha Sampradaya is a tradition that focuses on Radha, and only Radha is worshipped as the supreme god. Radha is mainly related to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Pradaya, Vaisnavasahgia and Gaudía were worshipped in the Vaisnawi movement. Ratha’s birthday is celebrated as Radashtami every year. 

Radha is also regarded as a metaphor for the human spirit (Atma). Her love and desire for Krsna are theologically regarded symbols of the human pursuit of spiritual growth and union with God (Brahmin). She has inspired countless literary works, and her Rasa Lila dance with Krishna has inspired many performing arts.

Why is an Occasion of Radhastami Auspicious?

Radha Ashtami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of Shri Radha Rani. According to Hindu mythology, Radha Ji is the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Radha Ashtami, also known as Radha Jayanti, falls on August 25th and 26th this year. 

According to the Hindu calendar, Radha Ashtami takes place every year on the Ashtami date of Shukla Paxha in the month of Bhadrapada. This auspicious day is dedicated to Queen Radaj of Barthana and Vrindavan. Radha Krishna devotees from all over India celebrated this moment by worshipping Radha Rani and fasting for a whole day. 

It is said that those who fast/vrat during Radha Ashtami will be blessed by Radha Rani himself. Women mainly hold this fast. According to tradition, holding vrat on this auspicious day will attract positive energy and eliminate adverse effects. 

At Radha Ashtami, people seek blessings and health from Radha Rani. It is also said that on this fasting day, Lakshmi lives in the house and wishes you prosperity and happiness.

As we all know, Radha Rani is the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Hindu scriptures describe Radha as the spiritual energy of Lord Krishna Everyone who (almost) observes Radha Ashtami Vrat will have a happy and prosperous life. She was picked up and adopted by Keerti and Vrishbhanu, a married couple who had no own children. 

Radha Ashtami celebrated with great excitement and enthusiasm in Vrindavan and the surrounding area in Uttar Pradesh. On Radha Ashtami Day, believers will wake up before sunrise and spend a day worshipping Radha Rani. 

Some of them stopped quickly and prayed to Radha Rani and Shri Krishna. Women bathed the idol of Radha Rani and performed Abhishek with panchamrite, which contained milk, yogurt, ghee, jaggery, and honey. 

Then decorate the idol with beautiful new clothes and flowers. Devotees give shringar items as well as bhog and dhoop to the gods. Aartis are sung, and Prasad is offered to the devotees.


We, Iskcon Dwarka, from the bottom of our hearts, wish all of you a very Happy Radhastami. Be this Radhashtmi brings in prosperity and lots of love to you. Chant Radhe Radhe and experience a wave of positivity. To know How to celebrate Radhastami, visit our website. 

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