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What is Vaishnavism, and Who is a Vaishnava?


Living a life of Krishna Consciousness, thereby moving away from the Maya of the physical world, can help one achieve true happiness. Dedication to the Supreme Lord Krishna and belief in service are Vaishnavism’s highest goals. Almost 70% of Hindus are Vaishnavas. The Vaishnavism have different categories that can be categorized according to their practices and beliefs. However, there are certain things that believers must obey. For example: Eat only vegetarian food and connect with Sir Krishna’s other followers. 

Vaishnavism is a lifestyle as well as faith. You can read it with us and learn more about Vaishnavas’ practice to help Vaishnava. Vaishnavas believes in full devotion to the highest Lord Krishna that can occur at various levels. They practiced the Lord’s song and happened to him in thinking and mind. Vaishnavas believes in the highest God of Krishna’s awareness.

Definition of Vaishnava given by Sri Jiva Goswami 

The word “Vaishnavism” refers to the normal, eternal, and natural states, functions, and devoted qualities of all individual souls associated with Vishnu, the Supreme, the permeating soul. But the unnatural, unpleasant, and unfortunate sensations are attributed to what is meant under the word Vaishnava (literally a pure and unselfish worshiper of Vishnu). 

A particular god dislikes other human forms marked with different symbols, wears different dresses, worships different gods in different ways, “Saiva”, “Sakta”, “Ganapatya”, “Jaina” “Buddhist’, ‘Mahomedan,’ ‘Christian’, etc. This is the most unnatural, unpleasant, and sad meaning of the word” Vishnu, “which literally and naturally means a person who worships Vishnu from pure love.

What is said in Vishnu Purana for Vaishnava?

The Vaishnavism was introduced by Lord Krishna himself with the support of Lord Ananta, Vaishnavism, and other Rishis such as Narada. The notion behind this belief is that anyone who worships Lord Krishna with complete faith can easily achieve the realization of God. 

An important Vaishnavism ritual is Namajapa (chanting the name of Lord Krishna). At Uddaba’s request, Sri Krishna gave the specific basis of self-actualization as follows:

“(1) Do your duty, to the best of your abilities, for Me without any selfish motive, and remember Me at all times – before starting work, after a task, and while inactive.
(2) Practice to look upon all creatures as Myself in thought, word, and deed; and mentally bow down to them.
(3) Awaken your dormant spiritual power and perceive through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions that My power is within you at all times, and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument” (Bhagavatam 11.06-29).

Also Read: Benefits of Ekadashi Fasting


Who is a Vaishnava?

Who is a Vaishnava might be one of the most frequently asked questions. Anyone who has dedicated themselves to Lord Vishnu is a Vaishnava. Vaishnavism can be broadly divided into three categories. The first category includes people who believe in the philosophy of Krishna consciousness but do not strictly practice it. The second category is those who accept the Vaishnavism markings, respect the Vaishnavism, but do not strictly practice alone. The final category includes people from the Vaishnavism family who wear the Vaishnavism mark and practice hard. 

The three categories of Vaishnavism can also be divided into kanistha adhikaris, madhyama adhikaris, and uttama adhikaris. In India, you can find all three categories of people who follow different Vaishnavism principles. 

Gaudiya Vaishnavism is another type of Vaishnavism belief. However, these categories are not divided into watertight sectors, as they can uplift people through more devoted connections and connections with Vaishnavism. The difference lies in the habits, intentions, and insights they invest in their faith.

It has rightly been said in Chaitanya Charitamrita that, “The root cause of devotional service to Lord Krishna is an association with advanced devotees. Even when one’s dormant love for Krishna awakens, association with devotees is still The most essential.” (Madhya 22.83)

What is written in Bhagavata for Vaishnava?

The true spirit of Vaishnavism can be understood through the statement of Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in his dissertation Bhaktisandarbha in the following words: 

“By dating Lord Krishna’s followers, he tends to develop a sense of Krishna consciousness, thereby serving the Lord affectionately. This is approaching the Supreme Lord Krishna by gradually appreciating devoted service. If you want pure, devoted service, you must associate with the followers of Sri Krishna. Only through such dating can a conditioned soul gain a taste of transcendental love and thus an eternal relationship with God in the relationship between a particular manifestation and a particular activation transcendence. The benefits of carrying it forever within me (rasa).” 

Therefore, Vaishnavism represents fellowship with the Lord in the heart and spirit and leads a life of Krishna consciousness with other believers.


Therefore, Sri Vaishnava sampradaya is a community of Krishna-conscious people, chanting the Holy Name of the Lord and spending time with other August believers to achieve a higher level of Vaishnavism. The Vaishnavism worship and submit to the Lord to celebrate the Vaishnavism Ekadashi and lead a happy and devoted life. 

Hare Krishna

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